Grinder TPB - TPM

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Broyeur TPB - TPM

The mills developed by our company have been specially designed to meet the needs of different industries, such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food processing and in general wherever there is a need for particle size reduction.

Simple and robust in design, they simplify maintenance operations and reduce the amount of time the equipment is out of service.

Made in different sizes, they can handle flows from a few kgs to several tons per hour.

Several finishes are available. Due to their design, TECHNOPOUDRE mills type TPB, have a great accessibility to all the internal equipments, allowing a complete cleaning of the inside of the mills.

BLADES PLATE Equipments:


For products that are mainly processed by impact, the peripheral speed of the outer hammers can reach 80 m/s per second. The large variety of perforated plates lining the screening ring allows for cuts down to 500µm, depending on the physical properties of the product to be ground.

In some applications, this equipment, when used without a screen ring, can be used as a crusher or a high-speed crusher.

BLADES PLATE Equipments:


For products that are mainly processed by attrition, the peripheral speed of the blades can reach 100 m/s.

The large variety of perforated plates lining the screening ring allows for cuts down to 100µ, depending on the physical properties of the product to be ground.

At low speeds, this equipment limits the generation of extra-fine particles on friable products.

The ventilation provided by the paddle tray allows the recovery of frigories from the air to limit the heating due to the attrition on thermosensitive products. For low cuts or slightly sticky products, the air flow rate allows continuous cleaning of the sieve ring



For products that are to be processed mainly by impact, the peripheral speed of the outer spindles can reach 140 m/s. Depending on the characteristics of the products, their resilience, the granulometry of the raw material as well as their degree of abrasiveness during the grinding process, it will be used broaches of different dimensions with appropriate materials. The high speed of rotation allows to obtain cuts down to 50µ, depending on the physical properties of the product to be crushed.

In some applications, this equipment can be used as a fine crusher and even as a fast mixer.




The TECHNOPOUDRE TPM type crushers with articulated hammers work mainly by rotary percussion. They are generally used for coarse grinding, or in preparation for applications where the raw material is too coarse to be fed into a micronizer (TPB, pendulum, …).

The two-part body design allows easy access to the grinding components.

The rotor is made up of hammers that swing freely on axes located between support discs attached to the shaft.

All grinding components subject to wear in cast iron-steel mills are made of wear-resistant materials such as manganese steel.

For industrial or chemical applications, TECHNOPOUDRE TPM mills can be made of stainless steel for all parts in contact with the product.

The hammers are reversible and can be used in four positions, thus increasing their service life.

The granulometric cut is carried out either by a sieving crown with bars or with a perforated plate with round holes.


The crusher type TPM with articulated hammers, can be installed in various configurations:

For any definition of installation, our sales department and our design office are at your disposal to bring you the best solution on the technical and economic points of your project.